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Version: Current

Camera Actions

  • os.capturePhoto(options?: PhotoCameraOptions): Promise<Photo>

    Opens the photo camera for the user to take a single photo. Returns a promise that resolves with the taken photo. Triggers the @onPhotoCameraOpened shout once opened.

    While open, each time the user takes a photo the system will send a @onPhotoCaptured shout. Optionally accepts which camera to use for scanning. (front/back)

    The first parameter is optional and is a PhotoCameraOptions and is the options that should be used for the photo camera.

    Prompt the user to take a single photo.
    const photo = await os.capturePhoto();
    Take a single photo, defaulting to the front-facing camera.
    await os.capturePhoto({
    cameraType: "front"
    Take a single photo, skipping the confirmation user step.
    await os.capturePhoto({
    skipConfirm: true
    Take a single photo after a 3 second delay.
    await os.capturePhoto({
    takePhotoAfterSeconds: 3
  • os.closePhotoCamera(): Promise<void>

    Closes the photo camera. Returns a promise that resolves once the camera has been closed. Triggers the @onPhotoCameraClosed shout once closed.

    Close the photo camera
    await os.closePhotoCamera();
  • os.openPhotoCamera(options?: PhotoCameraOptions): Promise<void>

    Opens the photo camera. Returns a promise that resolves once the camera has been opened. Triggers the @onPhotoCameraOpened shout once opened.

    While open, each time the user takes a photo the system will send a @onPhotoCaptured shout. Optionally accepts which camera to use for scanning. (front/back)

    The first parameter is optional and is a PhotoCameraOptions and is the options that should be used for the photo camera.

    Open the photo camera.
    await os.openPhotoCamera();
    Open the photo camera, defaulting to the front-facing camera.
    await os.openPhotoCamera({
    cameraType: "front"