Camera Types
Options for
cameraType? CameraType
The camera that should be used.
disallowSwitchingCameras? boolean
Whether to not allow switching the camera.
idealResolution? object
The ideal resolution for the photo to be taken at.
If specified, then the web browser will be told to prefer this resolution, but will use a lower resolution if it is not possible to use the ideal resolution.
imageFormat? ("png" | "jpeg")
The image format that should be used.
Defaults to "png".
imageQuality? number
A number between 0 and 1 indicating the image quality to be used.
If not specified, then the browser will use its own default.
mirrorPhoto? boolean
Whether to mirror the photo after it is taken.
Defaults to false.
skipConfirm? boolean
Whether to skip allowing the user to confirm their photo.
Defaults to false.
takePhotoAfterSeconds? number
Whether to automatically take a photo after a number of seconds.
If null, then there is no timer and the user is allowed to take the photo manually. If positive, then the timer will start counting down from the given number of seconds. The user can always cancel the operation manually.