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Version: Current

AI Actions

  • AIChatMessage, options?: AIChatOptions): Promise<AIChatMessage>

    Sends a chat message to the AI. Returns a promise that contains the response from the AI. Throws a CasualOSError if an error occurs while sending the message.

    This function can be useful for creating chat bots, or for using an Artificial Intelligence (AI) to process a message.

    The first parameter is a AIChatMessage and is the message that should be sent to the AI.

    The second parameter is optional and is a AIChatOptions and is the options that should be used.

    Send a message to the AI and log the response.
    const response = await{
    role: "user",
    content: "Hello!"
    console.log(`${response.role}: ${response.content}`);
    Ask the AI to describe an uploaded image.
    const files = await os.showUploadFiles();
    const firstFile = files[0];
    const base64 = bytes.toBase64String(new Uint8Array(;
    const response = await{
    role: 'user',
    content: [
    base64: base64,
    mimeType: firstFile.mimeType,
    text: 'please describe the image'
    }, {
    preferredModel: 'gemini-pro-vision'

  • AIChatMessage[], options?: AIChatOptions): Promise<AIChatMessage>

    Sends a chat message to the AI. Returns a promise that contains the response from the AI. Throws a CasualOSError if an error occurs while sending the message.

    This function can be useful for creating chat bots, or for using an Artificial Intelligence (AI) to process a message.

    The first parameter is a AIChatMessage[] and

    The second parameter is optional and is a AIChatOptions and is the options that should be used.

    Send a message to the AI and log the response.
    const response = await[
    role: "system",
    content: "You are a helpful assistant."
    role: "user",
    content: "Hello!"
    console.log(`${response.role}: ${response.content}`);
    Build a basic chat bot.
    const messages = [
    role: "system",
    content: "You are a helpful assistant."

    while(true) {
    const userInput = await os.showInput();
    if (!userInput) {
    role: "user",
    content: userInput

    const response = await;

    Ask the AI to describe an uploaded image.
    const files = await os.showUploadFiles();
    const firstFile = files[0];
    const base64 = bytes.toBase64String(new Uint8Array(;
    const response = await[{
    role: 'user',
    content: [
    base64: base64,
    mimeType: firstFile.mimeType,
    text: 'please describe the image'
    }], {
    preferredModel: 'gemini-pro-vision'

  • string, options?: AIChatOptions): Promise<string>

    Sends a chat message to the AI. Returns a promise that contains the response from the AI. Throws a CasualOSError if an error occurs while sending the message.

    This function can be useful for creating chat bots, or for using an Artificial Intelligence (AI) to process a message.

    The first parameter is a string and is the message that should be sent to the AI.

    The second parameter is optional and is a AIChatOptions and is the options that should be used.

    Send a message to the AI and log the response.
    const response = await"Hello!");
  • ai.generateImage(request: AIGenerateImageOptions, options?: RecordActionOptions): Promise<AIGenerateImageSuccess>

    Generates an image from the given prompt.

    Returns a promise that resolves with the Base64 data of the generated image that can be used as the #formAddress of a bot.

    The first parameter is a AIGenerateImageOptions and is the request object that describes what the image should look like.

    The second parameter is optional and is a RecordActionOptions and is the options for the request.

    Generate an image from a prompt.
    const imageResult = await ai.generateImage({
    prompt: "An oil painting of a grassy field.",
    masks.formAddress = imageResult.images[0].url;
    Generate a image from a prompt and a negative prompt
    const imageResult = await ai.generateImage({
    prompt: "An oil painting of a grassy field.",
    negativePrompt: "realistic"
    masks.formAddress = imageResult.images[0].url;
    Generate a image and upload it as a file record
    const imageResult = await ai.generateImage({
    prompt: "An oil painting of a grassy field.",
    negativePrompt: "realistic"
    const image = imageResult.images[0];
    const blob = bytes.fromBase64Url(image.url);
    const file = await os.recordFile(recordKey, blob);
    console.log('file url', file.url);
  • ai.generateImage(prompt: string, negativePrompt?: string, options?: AIGenerateImageOptions & RecordActionOptions): Promise<string>

    Generates an image from the given prompt.

    Returns a promise that resolves with the Base64 data of the generated image that can be used as the #formAddress of a bot.

    The first parameter is a string and is the string that describes what the image should look like.

    The second parameter is optional and is a string and is the string that describes what the image should avoid looking like.

    The third parameter is optional and is a AIGenerateImageOptions & RecordActionOptions and is the additional options that should be used.

    Generate an image from a prompt.
    const image = await ai.generateImage("An oil painting of a grassy field.");
    masks.formAddress = image;
    Generate a image from a prompt and a negative prompt
    const image = await ai.generateImage("An oil painting of a grassy field.", "realistic");
    masks.formAddress = image;
    Generate a image and upload it as a file record
    const image = await ai.generateImage("An oil painting of a grassy field.");
    const blob = bytes.fromBase64Url(image);
    const file = await os.recordFile(recordKey, blob);
    console.log('file url', file.url);
  • ai.generateSkybox(request: AIGenerateSkyboxRequest): Promise<AIGenerateSkyboxResult>

    Generates a skybox image from the given request object.

    Returns a promise that resolves with an object that contains a URL to the generated image that can be used as the #formAddress of a bot that has #form set to skybox.

    The first parameter is a AIGenerateSkyboxRequest and is the request object that describes what the skybox should look like.

    Generate a skybox from a prompt.
    const skybox = await ai.generateSkybox("A skybox with a blue sky and green grass.");
    masks.formAddress = skybox;
    Generate a skybox from a prompt and a negative prompt
    const skybox = await ai.generateSkybox("A skybox with a blue sky and green grass.", "A skybox with a red sky and brown grass.");
    masks.formAddress = skybox;
  • ai.generateSkybox(prompt: string, negativePrompt?: string, options?: AIGenerateSkyboxOptions): Promise<string>

    Generates a skybox image from the given prompt.

    Returns a promise that resolves with a URL to the generated image that can be used as the #formAddress of a bot that has #form set to skybox.

    The first parameter is a string and is the string that describes what the skybox should look like.

    The second parameter is optional and is a string and is the string that describes what the skybox should avoid looking like.

    The third parameter is optional and is a AIGenerateSkyboxOptions and is the additional options that should be used.

    Generate a skybox from a prompt.
    const skybox = await ai.generateSkybox("A skybox with a blue sky and green grass.");
    masks.formAddress = skybox;
    Generate a skybox from a prompt and a negative prompt
    const skybox = await ai.generateSkybox("A skybox with a blue sky and green grass.", "A skybox with a red sky and brown grass.");
    masks.formAddress = skybox;