Loom Actions
loom.getVideoEmbedMetadata(sharedUrl: string): Promise<LoomVideoEmbedMetadata>
Gets the embed metadata for the given loom video.
The first parameter is a string and is the shared URL of the the video that the embed metadata should be retrieved for.
Get the embed metadata for a loom video.const metadata = await loom.getVideoEmbedMetadata(videoUrl);
loom.getVideoEmbedMetadata(video: LoomVideo): Promise<LoomVideoEmbedMetadata>
Gets the embed metadata for the given loom video.
The first parameter is a LoomVideo and is the loom video that the embed metadata should be retrieved for.
Get the embed metadata for a loom video.const video = await loom.recordVideo({
publicAppId: 'your-app-id'
const metadata = await loom.getVideoEmbedMetadata(video);loom.recordVideo(options: RecordLoomOptions): Promise<LoomVideo>
Records a loom video using the given options.
Returns a promise that resolves with the video data. Resolves with null if the video could not be recorded.
Note: Loom requires third-party cookies to be enabled. If third-party cookies are not enabled, then the Loom recording will not work.
The first parameter is a RecordLoomOptions and is the options to use for recording the video.
Record a loom video using the "SDK Standard".const video = await loom.recordVideo({
publicAppId: 'your-app-id'
});Record a loom video using the "SDK Custom".const video = await loom.recordVideo({
recordName: 'your-record-name',
});loom.watchVideo(sharedUrl: string): Promise<void>
Displays the given loom video to the user.
Returns a promise that resolves when the video has been loaded.
The first parameter is a string and is the shared URL of the loom video that should be displayed.
Display a loom video by its URL.await loom.watchVideo(videoUrl);
loom.watchVideo(video: LoomVideo): Promise<void>
Displays the given loom video to the user.
Returns a promise that resolves when the video has been loaded.
The first parameter is a LoomVideo and is the loom video that should be displayed.
Display a loom video.const video = await loom.recordVideo({
publicAppId: 'your-app-id'
await loom.watchVideo(video);