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Version: Current

Audio Actions

  • os.bufferSound(url: string): Promise<any>

    Loads the audio from the given URL without playing it. Returns a promise that resolves once the sound has been loaded.

    This is useful for pre-loading a sound so that there will be no delay when playing it with os.playSound(url).

    The first parameter is a string and is the URL of the audio/music/sound clip that should be loaded.

    Pre-load a MP3 file from another website.
  • os.cancelSound(soundId: (string | number | object)): Promise<any>

    Cancels the sound with the given ID. Returns a promise that resolves once the sound has been canceled.

    The first parameter is a (string | number | object) and is the ID of the sound that was returned from os.playSound(url) .

    Cancel a sound that is playing.
    const id = await os.playSound("");
  • os.playSound(url: string): Promise<any>

    Loads and plays the audio (MP3, WAV, etc.) from the given URL.

    Returns a promise that resolves with the ID of the sound when the sound starts playing. The sound ID can then be used with os.cancelSound(soundId) to stop the sound.

    The first parameter is a string and is the URL of the audio/music/sound clip that should be played.

    Play a MP3 file from another website.
  • os.beginAudioRecording(options?: Omit<BeginAudioRecordingAction, ("type" | "taskId")>): Promise<void>

    Starts a new audio recording. Returns a promise that resolves when recording has started. The returned promise will throw an error if recording could not be started. Reasons for this include insufficient permissions and not having a microphone.

    Triggers @onBeginAudioRecording once recording has started and continuously triggers @onAudioChunk if stream is set to true.

    The first parameter is optional and is a Omit<BeginAudioRecordingAction, ("type" | "taskId")> and is the options that determines how the audio should be recorded.

    Record some audio for 10 seconds and download the file.
    await os.beginAudioRecording();
    await os.sleep(10000);
    const data = await os.endAudioRecording();;
    Stream some raw audio data for 10 seconds.
    await os.beginAudioRecording({
    stream: true,
    mimeType: 'audio/x-raw'
  • os.endAudioRecording(): Promise<Blob>

    Stops the audio recording that is in progress. Returns a promise that resolves with the recorded data. If the recording was started with stream: true, then the recorded data will be null.

    Triggers @onEndAudioRecording once recording has finished.

    Record some audio for 10 seconds and download the file.
    await os.beginAudioRecording();
    await os.sleep(10000);
    const data = await os.endAudioRecording();;