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Version: Current

XR Actions

  • os.arSupported(): Promise<boolean>

    Gets whether this device supports AR or not.

    Returns a promise that resolves with a boolean indicating wether or not augmented reality is supported by the device.

    Check if AR is supported:
    const supported = await os.arSupported();
  • os.disableAR(): EnableARAction

    Disables augmented reality on the device.

    When disabled, @onExitAR shout is sent to all bots.

    Disable AR.
  • os.enableAR(options?: EnableXROptions): EnableARAction

    Enables augmented reality on the device. You can check for device support by calling os.arSupported().

    If enabled successfully, the @onEnterAR shout is sent to all bots.

    The first parameter is optional and is a EnableXROptions and is the options that should be used for the AR session.

    Enable AR.
    Enable AR running at half the resolution of normal.
    frameBufferScaleFactor: 0.5
  • os.disableVR(): EnableVRAction

    Disables virtual reality on the device.

    When disabled, @onExitVR shout is sent to all bots.

    Disable VR.
  • os.enableVR(options?: EnableXROptions): EnableVRAction

    Enables virtual reality on the device. You can check for device support by calling os.vrSupported().

    If enabled successfully, the @onEnterVR shout is sent to all bots.

    The first parameter is optional and is a EnableXROptions and is the options that should be used for the VR session.

    Enable VR.
    Enable VR running at half the resolution of normal.
    frameBufferScaleFactor: 0.5
  • os.vrSupported(): Promise<boolean>

    Gets whether this device supports VR or not.

    Returns a promise that resolves with a boolean indicating wether or not virtual reality is supported by the device.

    Check if VR is supported:
    const supported = await os.vrSupported();