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Version: Current

Geolocation Actions

  • os.convertGeolocationToWhat3Words(location: ConvertGeolocationToWhat3WordsOptions): Promise<string>

    Converts the given geolocation to a what3words address. Returns a promise that resolves with the 3 word address.

    The first parameter is a ConvertGeolocationToWhat3WordsOptions and is the latitude and longitude that should be converted to a 3 word address.

    Get the current geolocation as a 3 word address
    const location = await os.getGeolocation();

    if (location.success) {
    const address = await os.convertGeolocationToWhat3Words(location);
    } else {
    os.tost("Could not get geolocation");
    Get the location of the Amway Grand as a 3 word address
    const address = await os.convertGeolocationToWhat3Words({
    latitude: 42.966824756903755,
    longitude: -85.67309821404483,
  • os.getGeolocation(): Promise<Geolocation>

    Gets the geographic location that the current device is at in the world.

    Returns a promise that resolves with the location.

    Get the current geolocation.
    const location = await os.getGeolocation();

    if (location.success) {
    os.toast(`You are at (${location.latitude}, ${location.longitude})`);
    } else {