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Version: Current

Space Types

  • EnableCollaborationAction

    An event that is used to enable collaboration features.


    • playerId? string

      The ID of the player that created this task. Set by remote action handlers when a task is recieved from a remote player.

    • taskId (string | number)

      The ID of the async task.

    • type "enable_collaboration"

      The type of the event. This helps determine how the event should be applied to the state.

    • uncopiable? boolean

      Whether the action can be structure cloned. If true, then the action should not be passed across message ports without special handling.

  • InstUpdate

    Defines an interface that represents an update that has been applied to an inst.


    • id number

      The ID of the update.

    • timestamp number

      The time that the update occurred at.

    • update string

      The update content.

  • LoadInstAction

    An event that is used to load a simulation.


    • id string

      The ID of the simulation to load.

    • type "load_server"

    • uncopiable? boolean

      Whether the action can be structure cloned. If true, then the action should not be passed across message ports without special handling.

  • LoadSpaceAction

    Defines an event that loads a space into the instance.


    • config any

      The config that should be used to load the space.

    • playerId? string

      The ID of the player that created this task. Set by remote action handlers when a task is recieved from a remote player.

    • space Space

      The space that should be loaded.

    • taskId? (string | number)

      The ID of the async task.

    • type "load_space"

    • uncopiable? boolean

      Whether the action can be structure cloned. If true, then the action should not be passed across message ports without special handling.

  • UnloadInstAction

    An event that is used to unload a simulation.


    • id string

      The ID of the simulation to unload.

    • type "unload_server"

    • uncopiable? boolean

      Whether the action can be structure cloned. If true, then the action should not be passed across message ports without special handling.