Defines an interface that contains information about a single call stack frame.
location DebuggerFunctionLocation
The location that was last evaluated in this frame.
listVariables(): DebuggerVariable[]
Gets the list of variables that are avaiable from this frame.
setVariableValue(variableName: string, value: any): void
Sets the given variable name to the given value.
The first parameter is a string and is the name of the variable to set.
The second parameter is a any and is the value to set in the variable.
Defines an interface that represents a location in a debugger.
botId? string
The ID of the bot that this function is defined in.
columnNumber? number
The column number that this function is defined at.
lineNumber? number
The line number that this function is defined at.
name? string
The name of the function.
tag? string
The name of the tag that this function is defined in.
Defines an interface that contains information about the current debugger pause state.
callStack DebuggerCallFrame[]
The call stack that the debugger currently has.
pauseId (string | number)
The ID of the pause.
result? any
The result of the node evaluation.
state ("before" | "after")
The state of the pause. Indicates whether the pause is before or after the node was executed.
trigger PauseTrigger
The pause trigger that started this pause.