Permissions Types
The possible types of actions that can be performed on resources.
A ActionKinds can be one of the following values:
The possible types of permissions that can be added to policies.
A AvailablePermissions can be one of the following values:
The possible types of actions that can be performed on data resources.
A DataActionKinds can be one of the following values:
Defines an interface that describes the common options for all permissions that affect data records.
action DataActionKinds
The action th at is allowed. If null, then all actions are allowed.
expireTimeMs number
The unix time in miliseconds that the permission will expire at. If null, then the permission does not expire.
marker? string
The marker that the permission is for. If null or undefined, then the permission is for a specific resource instead of a marker.
options object
The options for the permission.
resourceId? string
The ID of the resource that is allowed. If null, then all resources are allowed.
resourceKind "data"
The kind of the permission.
subjectId string
The ID of the subject.
subjectType SubjectType
The type of the subject that the permission is for.
"user" - The permission is for a user. "inst" - The permission is for an inst. "role" - The permission is for a role.
The possible types of actions that can be performed on event resources.
A EventActionKinds can be one of the following values:
Defines an interface that describes the common options for all permissions that affect event records.
action EventActionKinds
The action th at is allowed. If null, then all actions are allowed.
expireTimeMs number
The unix time in miliseconds that the permission will expire at. If null, then the permission does not expire.
marker? string
The marker that the permission is for. If null or undefined, then the permission is for a specific resource instead of a marker.
options object
The options for the permission.
resourceId? string
The ID of the resource that is allowed. If null, then all resources are allowed.
resourceKind "event"
The kind of the permission.
subjectId string
The ID of the subject.
subjectType SubjectType
The type of the subject that the permission is for.
"user" - The permission is for a user. "inst" - The permission is for an inst. "role" - The permission is for a role.
The possible types of actions that can be performed on file resources.
A FileActionKinds can be one of the following values:
Defines an interface that describes the common options for all permissions that affect file records.
action FileActionKinds
The action th at is allowed. If null, then all actions are allowed.
expireTimeMs number
The unix time in miliseconds that the permission will expire at. If null, then the permission does not expire.
marker? string
The marker that the permission is for. If null or undefined, then the permission is for a specific resource instead of a marker.
options FilePermissionOptions
The options for the permission.
resourceId? string
The ID of the resource that is allowed. If null, then all resources are allowed.
resourceKind "file"
The kind of the permission.
subjectId string
The ID of the subject.
subjectType SubjectType
The type of the subject that the permission is for.
"user" - The permission is for a user. "inst" - The permission is for an inst. "role" - The permission is for a role.
The possible types of actions that can be performed on ai.hume resources.
Defines an interface that describes common options for all permissions that affect ai.hume resources.
action "create"
The action that is allowed. If null, then all actions are allowed.
expireTimeMs number
The unix time in miliseconds that the permission will expire at. If null, then the permission does not expire.
marker? string
The marker that the permission is for. If null or undefined, then the permission is for a specific resource instead of a marker.
options object
The options for the permission.
resourceId? string
The ID of the resource that is allowed. If null, then all resources are allowed.
resourceKind "ai.hume"
The kind of the permission.
subjectId string
The ID of the subject.
subjectType SubjectType
The type of the subject that the permission is for.
"user" - The permission is for a user. "inst" - The permission is for an inst. "role" - The permission is for a role.
The possible types of actions that can be performed on inst resources.
A InstActionKinds can be one of the following values:
Defines an interface that describes common options for all permissions that affect insts.
action InstActionKinds
The action th at is allowed. If null, then all actions are allowed.
expireTimeMs number
The unix time in miliseconds that the permission will expire at. If null, then the permission does not expire.
marker? string
The marker that the permission is for. If null or undefined, then the permission is for a specific resource instead of a marker.
options object
The options for the permission.
resourceId string
The ID of the resource that is allowed. If null, then all resources are allowed.
resourceKind "inst"
The kind of the permission.
subjectId string
The ID of the subject.
subjectType SubjectType
The type of the subject that the permission is for.
"user" - The permission is for a user. "inst" - The permission is for an inst. "role" - The permission is for a role.
The possible types of actions that can be performed on loom resources.
Defines an interface that describes common options for all permissions that affect loom resources.
action "create"
The action that is allowed. If null, then all actions are allowed.
expireTimeMs number
The unix time in miliseconds that the permission will expire at. If null, then the permission does not expire.
marker? string
The marker that the permission is for. If null or undefined, then the permission is for a specific resource instead of a marker.
options object
The options for the permission.
resourceId? string
The ID of the resource that is allowed. If null, then all resources are allowed.
resourceKind "loom"
The kind of the permission.
subjectId string
The ID of the subject.
subjectType SubjectType
The type of the subject that the permission is for.
"user" - The permission is for a user. "inst" - The permission is for an inst. "role" - The permission is for a role.
The possible types of actions that can be performed on marker resources.
A MarkerActionKinds can be one of the following values:
Defines an interface that represents a permission that grants access to resources with a marker.
action ActionKinds
The kind of the actions that the subject is allowed to perform. Null if the subject is allowed to perform any action.
expireTimeMs number
The time that the permission expires. Null if the permission never expires.
id string
The ID of the permission.
marker string
The marker that the permission applies to.
options PermissionOptions
The options for the permission assignment.
recordName string
The name of the record.
resourceKind ResourceKinds
The kind of the resource. Null if the permission applies to all resources.
subjectId string
The ID of the subject.
subjectType SubjectType
The type of the subject.
userId string
The ID of the user that the assignment grants permission to. Null if the subject type is not "user".
The possible types of resources that can be affected by permissions.
A ResourceKinds can be one of the following values:
Defines an interface that represents a permission that grants access to a single resource.
action ActionKinds
The kind of the actions that the subject is allowed to perform. Null if the subject is allowed to perform any action.
expireTimeMs number
The time that the permission expires. Null if the permission never expires.
id string
The ID of the permission.
options PermissionOptions
The options for the permission assignment.
recordName string
The name of the record.
resourceId string
The ID of the resource.
resourceKind ResourceKinds
The kind of the resource.
subjectId string
The ID of the subject.
subjectType SubjectType
The type of the subject.
userId string
The ID of the user that the assignment grants permission to. Null if the subject type is not "user".
The possible types of actions that can be performed on roles resources.
A RoleActionKinds can be one of the following values:
Defines an interface that describes the common options for all permissions that affect roles.
action RoleActionKinds
The action th at is allowed. If null, then all actions are allowed.
expireTimeMs number
The unix time in miliseconds that the permission will expire at. If null, then the permission does not expire.
marker? string
The marker that the permission is for. If null or undefined, then the permission is for a specific resource instead of a marker.
options RolePermissionOptions
The options for the permission.
resourceId string
The ID of the resource that is allowed. If null, then all resources are allowed.
resourceKind "role"
The kind of the permission.
subjectId string
The ID of the subject.
subjectType SubjectType
The type of the subject that the permission is for.
"user" - The permission is for a user. "inst" - The permission is for an inst. "role" - The permission is for a role.
The possible types of actions that can be performed on ai.sloyd resources.
Defines an interface that describes common options for all permissions that affect ai.sloyd resources.
action "create"
The action that is allowed. If null, then all actions are allowed.
expireTimeMs number
The unix time in miliseconds that the permission will expire at. If null, then the permission does not expire.
marker? string
The marker that the permission is for. If null or undefined, then the permission is for a specific resource instead of a marker.
options object
The options for the permission.
resourceId? string
The ID of the resource that is allowed. If null, then all resources are allowed.
resourceKind "ai.sloyd"
The kind of the permission.
subjectId string
The ID of the subject.
subjectType SubjectType
The type of the subject that the permission is for.
"user" - The permission is for a user. "inst" - The permission is for an inst. "role" - The permission is for a role.
The possible types of subjects that can be affected by permissions.
- "user" - The permission is for a user.
- "inst" - The permission is for an inst.
- "role" - The permission is for a role.
A SubjectType can be one of the following values: