Animation Types
Defines a set of options for
animateTag(bot, tag, options)
duration number
The duration of the animation in seconds.
easing? (EaseType | Easing | ((progress: number) => number))
The type of easing to use. If not specified then "linear" "inout" will be used.
Can also be a custom function that takes a single parameter and returns a number. The paramater will be a number between 0 and 1 indicating the progress through the tween.
fromValue? any
The value that should be animated from. If not specified then the current tag value will be used.
startTime? number
The time that the animation should start. Should be the number of miliseconds since January 1st 1970 UTC-0. (e.g. os.localTime or os.agreedUponTime).
toValue any
The value that should be animated to.
The possible easing types.
A EaseType can be one of the following values: