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Version: Current

Animation Types

  • AnimateTagOptions

    Defines a set of options for animateTag(bot, tag, options).


    • duration number

      The duration of the animation in seconds.

    • easing? (EaseType | Easing | ((progress: number) => number))

      The type of easing to use. If not specified then "linear" "inout" will be used.

      Can also be a custom function that takes a single parameter and returns a number. The paramater will be a number between 0 and 1 indicating the progress through the tween.

    • fromValue? any

      The value that should be animated from. If not specified then the current tag value will be used.

    • startTime? number

      The time that the animation should start. Should be the number of miliseconds since January 1st 1970 UTC-0. (e.g. os.localTime or os.agreedUponTime).

    • tagMaskSpace? (false | Space)

      The space that the tag should be animated in. If not specified then "tempLocal" will be used. If false, then the bot will be edited instead of using tag masks.

    • toValue any

      The value that should be animated to.

  • EaseMode

    The possible easing modes.

    A EaseMode can be one of the following values:

    • "in"
    • "out"
    • "inout"
  • EaseType

    The possible easing types.

    A EaseType can be one of the following values:

    • "linear"
    • "quadratic"
    • "cubic"
    • "quartic"
    • "quintic"
    • "sinusoidal"
    • "exponential"
    • "circular"
    • "elastic"
  • Easing

    Defines an interface that represents easing types.


    Create an object that represents "quadratic" "inout" easing
    let easing = {
    type: "quadratic",
    mode: "inout"